V-440-HD . Mixer video en alta definici贸.

Edirol V-440 en la seva versi贸 en HD. Gestiona fins a 4 inputs en SD (compost digital)…i unes quantes cosetes m茅s 馃槈

WEB :: http://www.edirol.com

With the capability to input 4 SD video sources and 4 HD or RGB video
sources, the V-440HD enables seamless mixing and switching of
multi-format video signals. With a single unit allowing images with
different aspect ratios (16:9 or 4:3), the V-440HD can also be used as
an independent SD mixer or HD/RGB mixer. Add various effects like PinP,
2 Keyers or transitions and it聮s easy to see how this unit becomes the
center of all your multi-format video production.

Edirol V-440 en la seva versi贸 en HD. Gestiona fins a 4 inputs en SD (compost digital)…i unes quantes cosetes m茅s 馃槈

WEB :: http://www.edirol.com

With the capability to input 4 SD video sources and 4 HD or RGB video
sources, the V-440HD enables seamless mixing and switching of
multi-format video signals. With a single unit allowing images with
different aspect ratios (16:9 or 4:3), the V-440HD can also be used as
an independent SD mixer or HD/RGB mixer. Add various effects like PinP,
2 Keyers or transitions and it聮s easy to see how this unit becomes the
center of all your multi-format video production.

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