Autor: offtv

JazzMutant Lemur

JazzMutant Lemur, el controlador existente más
avanzado e innovador creado para músicos, diseñadores de sonidos, compositores,
artistas de medios e ingenieros de audio, define ahora el siguiente nivel de
control universal. Después de realizar una completa optimización del flujo de
trabajo con la última actualización, la nueva versión 1.6 no sólo incluye un
aumento de la funcionalidad, sino que también ofrece una comunicación suave e
instantánea entre Lemur y el ordenador anfitrión, proporcionando la
simplificación y su uso.
Características de la versión 1.6 de
· Nueva aplicación en segundo plano JazzDaemon para
una integración sin fisuras, comunicación inmediata y suave operación en red.
· Nuevos módulos de almacenamiento interno,
interfaces y proyectos en Lemur, incluyendo la navegación .
· El nuevo diálogo de exploración local con vista
de proyecto y pre-visualización del interface facilitan la gestión fácil, y la
disponibilidad inmediata de los proyectos, plantillas y módulos del Lemur.
· 3 nuevos objetos y mejora de todos los objetos
presentes. Mejora del flujo de trabajo con una mejor visibilidad y
representación gráfica de funciones.
· Nueva función de rejilla para el control preciso
y claro, que añade indicadores visuales para posiciones de parámetro

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ZAAT Festival Arts visuals i sonores- 2_5 Oct. / Lisboa

ZAAT promove a circulação das obras após o evento numa turnê na cidade.
Porque são inseridas no movimento do mundo, a Arte e a cultura no geral
devem ser acessíveis a todos. O encontro continua com os públicos
noutros lugares urbanos abrindo espaços para a proposta artística.

artísticas nas escolas dos bairros populares de Lisboa >>
Ocupação de espaços nocturnos com exposições das obras (bares,
discotecas, teatros, cabaret.) >> Instalações deslocadas nas
faculdades , escolas, institutos culturais, livrarias, galerias e

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25 anys de GNU // Felicitats!!

El proyecto GNU (GNU is not
Unix), iniciado por Richard Stallman con el objetivo de crear un
sistema operativo totalmente libre y ‘hackable’, cumple 25 años. El 27
de septiembre de 1983 Mr. Stallman anunció públicamente el proyecto GNU.
A este anuncio siguieron otros, además de ensayos y textos, que dieron
forma a lo que hoy conocemos con las mencionadas siglas. 

Richard Stallman no se ha cansado de difundir no sólo el software GNU en general sino la filosofía que lo impregna.

Stephen Fry, el conocido autor de obras como ‘V de Vendeta’ o
‘Acción civil’, ha participado en un vídeo de casi 6 minutos en el que
comenta (english) sus ideas sobre el software en general y sobre el software libre en particular.

LNK Video ::

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PS24VJ: Pikilipita finished a new VJ Software for Playstation 2

Clément aka Pikilipita wrote me a mail about his new VJ software. Last time we had a feature about Pikilipita VJ for the DS, now he finished PS24VJ
He took somehow an inspiration
of the Digital Tools header-graphic to illustrate some of his

PS24VJ is a VJ software running on the Sony Playstation 2
video game system which features most classic VJ softwares options.
Leave your laptop home and just take your PS2 with you when going to
perform a gig! Invite a VJ to join you on for a jam: PS24VJ can be
controlled by two VJ simultaneously!

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Ladyfest 2008 – 4->7 sept. / Amsterdam


Ladyfest is a community based, non-profit, political, music and arts
festival for everyone supportive of gender equality. Ladyfest Amsterdam
aims to inspire and arouse feminists in addition to those who are
curious about feminism.

In addition to readings/lectures, workshops and parties, Ladyfest
features: music, sound, film, dance, theatre, visual art, performance,
media, literature, food, and fashion. We focus especially – but not
exclusively – on the achievements of creative women.
We welcome anyone who is interested, open-minded and supportive of the primary aim of the festival: to promote gender equality.

Check our myspace and website for the festival
program, ticket sale, the festival forum and further information.
Ladyfest Amsterdam 2008 will rejuvenate, evaluate, celebrate and RE-INVENT the F-word!

WEB :: Myspace Ladyfest

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CamCamX // Interessant eina pels Mac#Streamers

camcamx-videomixer.pngCamCamX [Demo Download][BLOG]

CamCamX is a 6×2 video mixer. Use it to create LIVE TV webcasts using only your Mac, iSight, pictures and movie files. Since CamCamX virtualizes the webcam (iSight camera) in your Mac you can use all your favorite cam applications AT THE SAME TIME. CamCamX also makes non-Apple webcams iSight compatible (via emulation).

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Publicat el codi font de NEON + Release V 2.5 Alpha


# Sources released

Before the project went into a dead point I've decided to release the sources of it. You can find'em here.
Feel free to download (with ie. TortoiseSVN), modify, compile and, well… have fun!
If you make new features for it, contact me and we'll include it on the
repository, if the updating gets active we could then manage new users
with write-access for the SVN.

# Neon v2.5 – Alpha Test 1

Hi. I've this version on my HD for some weeks, but can't find time to finish what's missing yet. This version is for users who already know Neon v2 and want to try the new features.
Unrar the file to a directory you like, and then copy your old Effects
folder to this new place. Also copy the contents of the Layouts folder
inside the Effects folder, so they will be inside the same place. I
think this is a nicer way to keep FX ordered.
As I say there are some things not working yet (new FX and save FX, MIDI), but maybe this version will be useful for somebody.
Hope more to come soon.

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Ars Electronica – 4->9 Set / Liz – AT

bt_about_ars_electronica_02.gifARS ELECTRONICA

Festival for Art, Technology and Society
Linz Thu 4 – Tue 9 September 2008

the banner of “A NEW CULTURAL ECONOMY – The Limits of Intellectual
Property” the 2008 Ars Electronica Festival aims to co-author the
preamble to a new knowledge-based society. What’s at stake: the
interplay of freedom of information and copyright protection, big
profit-making opportunities and the vision of an open knowledge-based
society. And this is also a matter of practical, workable regulations
governing this new reality, rules whose formulation ought not to be
left up to lawyers and MBAs alone.

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