L'hackmeeting e' l'incontro delle comunita', delle controculture
digitali e non, e delle individualita' che si pongono in maniera
critica e propositiva rispetto all'avanzare delle nuove tecnologie,
sempre piu' legate a doppio filo al controllo sociale, alle imprese
belliche e alla commercializzazione di ogni spazio vitale. Tre giorni
di seminari, giochi, feste, dibattiti, scambi di idee e apprendimento
L'evento e' totalmente autogestito: non ci sono organizzatori e fruitori, ma solo partecipanti.
Screens Melbourne 08 is hosted by Fed Square Pty Ltd, and is the third,
ground-breaking international conference and multimedia exhibition in a
series of worldwide Urban Screens events. It will also mark the
official launch of the International Urban Screens Association, taking
place 3-8 October at
ExplosiveTV est un label indépendant d'édition de DVDs d'art vidéo,
numérique et multimédia. Il présente des artistes contemporains
utilisant principalement la vidéo dans leur création : VJ, VJay,
Veejay, AV Performer, Visual Art, Video experimental, AV Live, etc…
Resolume 3 is coming! Finally 😉 See all the features in detail and sit back while we show you some of the exciting new features in the introduction video. Read a little background info on why we decided to rewrite the whole thing.
Dislocate is a project which examines the relationship between art, technology and locality.
Designed to facilitate international dialogue between artists, researchers and the public, Dislocate encourages exchange and reflection upon our experiences and perceptions of the interplay between these elements.
Dislocate questions our notions of place and location in the face of perpetual motion through multifaceted environments. The velocity of this passage is accelerated through new technologies, but as a result how does this impact upon our encounter with place and our attempt to communicate this to elsewhere?
Through an exhibition, symposium and workshop series Dislocate will examine this encounter and communication, taking a journey through surrounding spaces and exploring our transient connections.
Excelled through so many spaces with such momentum, mobility brings freedoms but also responsibilities. While in this state of passage how do we decide which spaces to engage with and what is our dialogue with them?
Dislocate offers the space to investigate the creative and social potential of new media to engage us with our direct locality and to ask what is the importance of where we are now?
WEB :: http://www.dis-locate.net/
"Trebuchet MS"">Cellsbutton is a way of
introducing a new concept and perspective on art and technology to the
cultural framework of Indonesia. The festival intends to relate this to
both national and international developments within the field of media
arts. In HONF perspective, (digital) technologies offer a lot of
creative possibilities, in daily life as well as in art and cultural
practices. So far, extensive investigations of this potential of
technology within Indonesia and the Yogyakarta context – have been
few. Therefore, the objective of the Cellsbutton is to establish
connections and interactions between communities, creators and artist
with interest in media art.
El Festival Art-e de Tarragona acollirà una
mostra de diversos creatius de Telenoika en el que serà el 6è Festival
Independent de música electrònica i creació visual.
Diversos directes AV i la familia Vj Telenoika passaran pels escenaris
d´aquest festival que es celebrarà el 20, 21 i 22 de setembre.
Més informació en pròxims updates.
Del 18 al 21 de setembre amb l'Associació Cultural OKNO organitzem el
Festival SURPAS -Cultura lliure i popular- a PORTBOU. Aniré informant
de com avança aquest quixotada entranyable. De moment, el programa és
molt bo. Penjaré la informació en breu pels amics que passeu per aquí.
En aquesta época que ens ha tocat viure, on la llibertat a les xarxes es possa cada vegada més en entredit, i organitzacions com la SGAE i les seves variants, no paren d´ intentar bloquejar webs i servers, m´han sobtat especialment les declaracions que ha fet Sir Tim Berners-Lee, creador del World Wide Web, on demanar a governs i demes artefactes de control que deixin als internautes tranquils en un dels pocs espais de llibertat que encara ens resten.
Declaracions del calibre de : la importancia de que Internet sea "neutra" radica en que "es una infraestructura fundamental para la libertad y la democracia" o el "riesgo" de que tanto "los gobiernos como las grandes empresas"
intenten controlar la tecnología de la red de redes "siempre existe",
por lo que ha incidido en que la sociedad debe defender una Red
Aqui us deixo el link a l´article aparegut a El Pais, en motiu de l inauguració de la Campus Party, no té desperdici .
El 4 y 5 de septiembre apartir de las 11:00 a las 24:00, en la Escuela Gestalt de Diseño A.C. de Xalapa, ubicada en la Avenida Orizaba #42 en Xalapa, Veracruz, México,
LPM ofrece a los visitantes dos dias de inmersión absoluta en actividaes de intercambio, búsqueda, idea y proyectación en el ambito del live visual, en compañiua de artistas, maestros, y expertos en el sector.
With the capability to input 4 SD video sources and 4 HD or RGB video
sources, the V-440HD enables seamless mixing and switching of
multi-format video signals. With a single unit allowing images with
different aspect ratios (16:9 or 4:3), the V-440HD can also be used as
an independent SD mixer or HD/RGB mixer. Add various effects like PinP,
2 Keyers or transitions and its easy to see how this unit becomes the
center of all your multi-format video production.
Per els amants dels knobs, o per a tots aquells que senzillament el software que utilitzen en tinguin, aqui va una "freakada" força interessant que ens permetra deixar els Midi controllers a casa. Knobs que s´adhereixen directament a la pantalla del teu pc i et permeten controlar parametres midi . A minimitzar equips! 🙂
Developed at the Girton Lab, in Cambridge, UK, the SenseSurface
has direct implications for music applications, but can also be used as
an effective controller for video games. According to Williams,
applications that would normally use a mouse or Qwerty keyboard can be
now controlled with traditional knobs. The scroll bar on the right hand
side of your computer screen can be controlled with a real slider
button. SenseSurface can be used with most laptops with a USB input.
The sensing knobs have a custom designed movement sensor to determine
position within approx 180 degrees with a 10 bit digital output,
linearity typically 1%.
Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER (CC BY 3.0) No s'autoritza a cap Entitat de Drets d'Autor a reclamar cap quantitat en el nostre nom.