Cimatics 07 : 22-24 nov 07 / Brussels

Cimatics 07 : 22-24 nov 07 / Brussels

cimatics.png The 5th festival edition will bring you an extensive
overview of what’s taking place at the crossroads of sound, image,
media, design, cinema and performance art. Ignoring the borders of
diverse disciplines, the festival combines sound and visuals, mixing
art with pop into a celebration of audiovisual culture.

The festival will take place from 22th – 24th November 2007 at various locations in Brussels with it's central meeting point at the Beursschouwburg.

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Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER
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