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The EDIROL V-8 offers an expanded visual experience and is the natural evolution of the legendary V-4 Four Channel Video Mixer.

The V-8 Eight Channel Video Mixer has all the features of the V-4
but with more channels, two selectable RGB inputs, monitor outputs and
additional powerful special effects. It continues the legacy of the
V-4's other great features such as ease of use, high-quality digital
processing of video, numerous video effects and BPM sync with music.
This next generation video mixer expands your visual presentation and
performance potential to new applications and dimensions.

+ INFO ::

v8_top_petita ok.PNG

The EDIROL V-8 offers an expanded visual experience and is the natural evolution of the legendary V-4 Four Channel Video Mixer.

The V-8 Eight Channel Video Mixer has all the features of the V-4
but with more channels, two selectable RGB inputs, monitor outputs and
additional powerful special effects. It continues the legacy of the
V-4's other great features such as ease of use, high-quality digital
processing of video, numerous video effects and BPM sync with music.
This next generation video mixer expands your visual presentation and
performance potential to new applications and dimensions.

+ INFO ::


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