FLOSS Manuals
FLOSS Manuals is more than a collection of manuals about free and open source software, it is also the community. The writers include professional authors, editors, artists, software developers, activists, and many others. Anyone can contribute to a manual – to fix a spelling mistake, add a more detailed explanation, write a new chapter, or start a whole new manual on a topic.
Launched in 2007 to remedy the deficit of good free documentation about Free Software, the Floss Manuals’ strategy since the beginning has been to develop communities to produce high quality free manuals in their own language. Today we have more than 120 books in more than 30 languages.
To provide a very simple and easy-to-use interface for collaborating on the creation of comprehensive texts about Free Software.
In 2011 the FLOSS Manuals Foundation (FMF) was created to provide resources and support to all language community groups, start new language communities, and oversee the operations of the FM network in general.
The original idea (and this philosophy continues today) was to distribute the means to contribute to manuals, text books, teaching materials, etc by providing a very simple and easy-to-use interface for collaborating on the creation of comprehensive texts about Free Software.
As it became clear what a great tool FM was, different communities of users and writers started to adopt FM as their home for documentation. Software writers, CiviCRM and Sugar Labs are some of those communities. Book sprints where travel and food are provided are another great source of content.
Manuals are available as HTML online, or indexed PDF. Additionally manuals can be remixed so anyone can create their own manual and export to indexed PDF, HTML (ZIP/tar) or an ‘Ajax’ include.