Futuresonic2008 : 1-5 may 08 / Manchester


5 days and nights of live music, art premieres, exhibitions, club
nights and events featuring a world-class programme of over 300 artists
in 30 venues and spaces across the city centre. Futuresonic is an
international festival of Art, Music and Ideas now in its 12th year
occupying the orbits of both digital culture and music.

WEB :: http://www.futuresonic.com/


5 days and nights of live music, art premieres, exhibitions, club
nights and events featuring a world-class programme of over 300 artists
in 30 venues and spaces across the city centre. Futuresonic is an
international festival of Art, Music and Ideas now in its 12th year
occupying the orbits of both digital culture and music.

WEB :: http://www.futuresonic.com/

Vols més informació sobre Telenoika i de les seves activitats?


Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER
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