Holland Animation Film Festival : 1-5 Nov / Utrecht



The 11th edition of the Holland Animation Film Festival will be held 1 > 5 November 2006. Come and visit the festival for a great variety of animated films, expositions, talk shows, discussions and workshops in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The Holland Animation Film Festival is an internationally recognized animation festival and offers an unique, state of the art selection of animated films for a diverse public. The intimate environment guarantees a great opportunity for the interested public, filmmakers, producers, distributors and special guests to meet. A hint of what to expect: retrospectives, Anime, Machinima, games, historic and thematic programmes and feature films, for adults and children. 



The 11th edition of the Holland Animation Film Festival will be held 1 > 5 November 2006. Come and visit the festival for a great variety of animated films, expositions, talk shows, discussions and workshops in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The Holland Animation Film Festival is an internationally recognized animation festival and offers an unique, state of the art selection of animated films for a diverse public. The intimate environment guarantees a great opportunity for the interested public, filmmakers, producers, distributors and special guests to meet. A hint of what to expect: retrospectives, Anime, Machinima, games, historic and thematic programmes and feature films, for adults and children. 



Hoogt I Hoogt II Hoogt III Camera Studio Kikker
10:00  Daily Master: Gerrit van Dijk Zuid-Korea I: Actual Images Competition Independent I Competition Applied I
12:00  Competition Student Films V Nico Crama: Personal Choices animate! (The Digital Curve) Jury: Peter Chung
14:00  Nico Crama II Jury Diverse II Competition Independent II Competition Student Films I
16:00  Killian Dellers Jury: Debuts of Masters I Competition Applied II
18:00  Panorama NL II The Future II Competition Independent III Competition Student Films II
20:00  Jury: Bady Minck Jury: Plympton I: Shorts Montevideo I
20:30  Kijkshock
22:00  Jury Diverse I EU: New Nico Crama I La PoudriŠre

Friday 5 November 2004

  Hoogt I Hoogt II Hoogt III Camera Studio Kikker
10:00  The Future I Nico Crama III
12:00  Nico Crama V Panorama NL III Competition Independent IV Jury: Debuts of Masters II Competition Applied III
14:00  animate! (The Naked Animator) Competition Applied IV Nico Crama IV Competition Student Films III
16:00  Heartstrings I Panorama NL: Villa Achterwerk Jury: Plympton II: Hair High 10 Editions HAFF: Highlights AnyZone: Music Music Music
18:00  Competition Independent V 10 Years NIAf Ateliers Panorama NL I Competition Student Films IV
20:00  10 Editions HAFF: Political Statements Competition Independent III Fast Forward: Mutant Aliens Zuid-Korea II: Deeper Emotions
22:00  Jury: Joost Rekveld Montevideo II Fast Forward: Wonderful Days Fast Forward: Astro Boy
24:00  Fast Forward: Intolerance

Saturday 6 November 2004

  Hoogt I Hoogt II Hoogt III Camera Studio Kikker
10:00  Panorama NL I Competition Student Films II Competition Independent VI Nico Crama IV
12:00  Competition Student Films V EU: New Jury: Bady Minck 10 Years NIAf Ateliers Competition Applied IV
14:00  Jury Diverse I Panorama NL: Villa Achterwerk Competition Independent VII Nico Crama III Holland Animation Junior I
16:00  Heartstrings II Montevideo I Jury: Debuts of Masters I Competition Independent I Competition Applied III
18:00  Nico Crama V Competition Student Films III Competition Independent II Zuid-Korea I: Actual Images
20:00  Jury: Joost Rekveld Nico Crama: Personal Choices La PoudriŠre Panorama NL III
22:00  The Future I animate! (The Digital Curve) 10 Editions HAFF: 3D vs 3D AnyZone: Music Music Music

Sunday 7 November 2004

  Hoogt I Hoogt II Hoogt III Camera Studio Kikker
10:00  Panorama NL II animate! (The Naked Animator) Jury: Debuts of Masters II Competition Applied I
12:00  10 Editions HAFF: Political Statements Montevideo II Competition Student Films I Jury: Plympton I: Shorts Competition Independent IV Zuid-Korea II: Deeper Emotions
14:00  Nico Crama II 10 Editions HAFF: 3D vs 3D Competition Applied II Jury: Peter Chung Jury: Plympton II: Hair High Competition Independent VI
16:00  Heartstrings III Holland Animation Junior I Jury Diverse II Fast Forward: Intolerance Fast Forward: Wonderful Days Competition Independent VII
18:00  Competition Independent V Competition Student Films IV Fast Forward: Mutant Aliens The Future II
20:00  Nico Crama I 10 Editions HAFF: Highlights Fast Forward: Astro Boy

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