Live Stream VAX 10 by XTreamLab 5/11/005

Live Stream VAX 10 by XTreamLab 5/11/005

Watch an AudioVideo RealTime Transmission_
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DIA : 5 Novembre   HORA : 01:00->06:00 h.
audio – video live transmission  by XtreamLab

XtreamLab provides an on-location video production and live web-casting service
that combines technical expertise with a creative focus.
This enables the live transmission of streams directly from events, offering
viewers the opportunity to experience genuine online television.

The XtreamLab production team is comprised of event producers, camera operators,
VJs and technicians. We are able to meet the requirements of each individual event
through the development of a specific production model, collaborating with the client
to ensure a smooth running process and a successful end result.

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