Mapping al Festival de les Arts de Macau : 13-22 mai 2011 / Xina

Mapping al Festival de les Arts de Macau : 13-22 mai 2011 / Xina

Encounters: Audiovisual Mapping of St. Paul’s Ruins by Telenoika


Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping is video projection with originally composed music, using sophisticated creative technology to design and display video images on the contours of a building’s façade. These projections, using cinematography and storytelling techniques, create stories that imaginatively explore the historic depth and the cultural heritage of a building’s specific locale.

Encounters retells stories of times past while simultaneously drawing attention to the current remnants of an iconic façade.

Telenoika mapping crew: Omar Alvarez, Miquel Arregui, Sergi Casero, Miguel Gozalbo, Eloi Maduell and Santi Vilanova.

Duration: approximately 20 minutes, no interval

Cada dia stream a les 14h (hora de Barcelona)


Vols més informació sobre Telenoika i de les seves activitats?


Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER
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