Pequeño Pájaro
Després de varios mesos de feina, per fi es publica el videoclip que hem fet des de Playmodes per a la banda Standstill!
Music: Standstill
Song: Pequeño Pájaro
LP: Dentro de la Luz
Script and direction: Enric Montefusco y Playmodes
2D and 3D Animation: Playmodes (Santi Vilanova & Eloi Maduell)
Photos “burial”: David Ruano
3D Characters: Enric Montefusco y Diana Bandini
“Burial” Characters: Standstill (Piti Elvira, Ricky Falkner, Ricky Lavado y Enric Montefusco)
All images come from paintings of the XIVth and XVth century
tall included in the Standstill’s “Cénit” show .
(c) y (p) Buena Suerte 2013