VJ – also known as
visualist, projectionist, live mix video artist…not your videographer, not
your filmmaker, we are perfomers mixing our video artworks LIVE to the music all
around, with our fingers on our gear, and our eyes on the crowd, projections,
and screens……our performances unfold as the evening unfolds….

VJ – also known as
visualist, projectionist, live mix video artist…not your videographer, not
your filmmaker, we are perfomers mixing our video artworks LIVE to the music all
around, with our fingers on our gear, and our eyes on the crowd, projections,
and screens……our performances unfold as the evening unfolds….

Vols més informació sobre Telenoika i de les seves activitats?


Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER
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