sound:frame – the festival for the visualization of electronic music

sound:frame – the festival for the visualization of electronic music

sound.jpgsound:frame – the festival for the visualization of
electronic music goes into its third round in 2009 at and in
cooperation with the Vienna Künstlerhaus k/haus.

started in 2007 as a small exhibition in the Passage of the Vienna
Künstlerhaus has turned into a unique international festival that
focuses on audio-visual art forms. From its start sound:frame has
provided its spectators and participating artists with a wide range of
activities: live performances, symposia, workshops, exhibitions of
audio-visual installations, and a festival agenda in coordination with
numerous Viennese clubs. Each year sound:frame stimulates the
international discourse and aims to acquaint the public with the
current standing and position of the visualization of electronic music.

defines itself as an international networking platform of audio-visual
artists and represents artistic innovation in form and content. The
international success of the festival thus far has been recognized and
acclaimed as the "Best VJ Event 2008" from the yearly polls of the
British DJ Mag.

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