Telenoika Mapping Workshop : 5-9 nov 2012 / FiC

Telenoika Mapping Workshop : 5-9 nov 2012 / FiC

taller completo   telenoikamappingworkshop









del 5 al 9 de novembre de 2012 de 10h a 20h
a la Fàbrica de creació Fabra i Coats, Barcelona.

Taller avançat en tècniques de Mapping per a totes aquelles persones iniciades en la producció audiovisual. El taller constarà de 8 seminaris repartits en les primeres quatre jornades i una cinquena de pràctiques.

El professorat del taller està composat per quatre artistes especialitzats en Mapping de reputació internacional:


Eloi Maduell / Telenoika
Santiago Vilanova / Telenoika
Roberto Fazio / RF studio
Joanie Lemercier / Antivj

Dia 1:
Tècniques de Mapping I /per Eloi Maduell
Grafisme i animació 2D /per Santiago Vilanova

Dia 2:
Música visual /per Santiago Vilanova
Anamorfismes en 3D /per Eloi Maduell

Dia 3:
Tècniques de Mapping II /per Roberto Fazio
Tècniques de Mapping III /per Joanie Lemercier

Dia 4:
Introducció al Mapping estereoscòpic /per Roberto Fazzio
Producció d’un projecte de mapping /per Joanie Lemercier

Dia 5:

Matrícula completa : 300 €
Matrícula 1 jornada : 125 €
Inscripcions :


*Whorkshop en castellà i anglès / Whorkshop languages: spanish and english

*La matrícula complerta del taller inclou una entrada gratuïta pel Festival M!RA


10 november 2012:






Day 1

Seminar1: Eloi Maduell: Mapping Techniques

Review of different mapping techniques. The goal is to see different ways of dealing with the fact projected onto a space with a video projector. Techniques and software for a project technical mapping. From the position of the projector to 3D model of the scene to end forms of planned distort and shoot-generated content.

Seminar2: Santi Vilanova: 2D Graphics and Animation
In order to acquire the minimum skills necessary to developed the first practical mapping, we will review the different strategies for creating graphics applied to 2D mapping, from the track and working with layers, to techniques advanced illustration and animation, and the integration of 2D illustrations with lighting coming from 3D environments.

Day 2

Seminar3: Santi Vilanova: Visual Music
Review different strategies based on audiovisual music visualization (visual or sonification). Based on an analysis historical references, both in the field of experimental cinema early as the recent digital creations, the intention is further methodologies that allow the creation of audiovisual content in the sound and picture is forming indissoluble. In conclusion of the talk, we discuss techniques that allow us to synchronize our audiovisual hardware not strictly audiovisual DMX lighting, electronics, motors ….

Seminar4: Eloi Maduell: 3D Anamorphismes
An anamorphism is a distorted projection that requires a particular point of view to reconstruct the distortion. The objective is to generate a mapping project which projected into space from alocation are generated 3D content will be displayed and perceived depth from another point of view.


Day 3

Seminar5: Robert Fazio: Mapping Techniques II
Participants will learn all the different stages of preparation a standard video mapping project and set the stage for understand the potential of integrating content into stereoscopic mapping project, across the content space, 3D and videoimages

Seminar6: Joanie Lemercier: Mapping Techniques III
Introduction to architectural mapping: technical aspects and be touched. The video projection, software, workflows and aspects, as arts and the study of architecture, stories, styles, etc.

Day 4

Seminar7: Roberto Fazio: Introduction to Stereoscopic Mapping
Participants will learn how to conduct a project of Mapping, how to design video and stereoscopic 3D video content for mapping projections anaglyph 3D mode. There will be an introduction to ElementMapi alpha version (currently only runs on Mac OS X10.7)

Seminar8: Joanie Lemercier: Production of a mapping project
Development of a mapping project from scratch: election patterns and structure, developing an idea, script, music, technical, technological, production, presentation and documentation the project.


Day 5


Day free practice under the supervision of four teachers workshop.



Santiago Vilanova Ángeles

Vila-real, 1980
Trained as a graphic designer, alternating development of artistic projects based on software programming, interactive design and research track with his work as a graphic designer and illustrator. Member of group Telenoika participated as many creative projects related to mapping audiovisual implementation of interactive technologies in the theater with the company Playmodes, creative recycling of waste technology as a member of Luthiers Drapaires; robotics, experimental music and teaching in these fields.His work has been shown in theaters, exhibitions and festivals such as 
Sónar (2006 i 2009), Palau Euskalduna de Bilbao, Kunst Akademie de Berlin, Mapping Festival Geneva, Primavera Sound, CCCB, CaixaFòrum, Palau de la Música, Laboral, MIAC, Festival VAD o Mercat de les Flors,among others. Currently working as a professor at various universities in Catalonia in matters related to design interactive and audiovisual creativity.


Eloi Maduell i Garcia
Barcelona, 1975
Computer engineer specialized in audiovisual live. For over 12 years explores and investigates the possibilities of digital creation live. Founding member of the Association Telenoika that for over 10 years independent audiovisual scene energizes our country through their activities in the field of visual arts and new communications technologies. With the team Telenoika Mapping has developed video-mapping projects since 2009. Coordinator of the Festival of Audiovisual and New Technologies: VideA, 2000, 2001 and 2002, known as ‘pause vj» has performed in all types of audiovisual festivals around the region, nationally and internationally since 2002 to 2006. Got the prize in 2005 Vjology Holland. VAD Festival Technical Director since 2006 where he is currently responsible for the technical organization of the festival and brings young and experimental programming. For a few years, teaches workshops on audiovisual live video mapping in social institutions, festivals, universities and postgraduates. 


Roberto Fazio
Italy, 1978 
is a creative director, interaction designer and teacher based in Italy. Roberto Fazio’s work explores the aesthetic and sensorial possibilities of linking 3d visual mapping, interaction design and code creative programming, aiming to create visual experiences turned into a course of sensory perception. In recent years his research has mainly focused on 3d architectural mapping projects; his work has dealt with the conception and production of 3d contents expressly designed for large buildings.
RF Studio is an Visual and Interaction Design Studio. A space of research and experimentation created in 2011. Our research and interests area are focused on 3D Projection Mapping, Stereoscopic installation, Data Visualization, Creative Coding.Collaborations and sharing are the essence of our inquiry.Our aim is to spread a knowledge that could become collective and to create a net that could enlarge creativity thanks to interdisciplinary exchanges.


Joanie Lermercier
France, 1975

He has a background in graphic design, and started using video projection when he moved to Bristol (UK) in 2005. After a few years doing classic VJing in clubs and festival around the city, he started experiments: projections onto transparent materials, mapping onto 3d objects, stereoscopy, always trying to get away from the standard flat rectangular screen. With a three other visual artists from Europe, Joanie created the visual label in 2008: AntiVJ, to produce and develop audio-visual projects, installations, architectural mappings and stage design. Projects from the label have since then been presented all around Europe, in Russia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, China and New Zealand.






Asociación Cultural

Fundada en 2000, Telenoika nace como colectivo de personas interesadas en la experimentación audiovisual y con la voluntad de compartir conocimientos y dar a conocer al gran público las innovaciones que se estaban produciendo en los lenguajes artísticos, gracias a la democratización que supuso la entrada en escena de las nuevas tecnologías domésticas audiovisuales. Con esta intencionalidad, se celebró, desde el año 2000 al 2002 el festival VideA, que fue un referente mundial en cuanto a este tipo de eventos interdisciplinarios que se mueven entre el congreso científico, el taller de artista y el espectáculo abierto a la participación del público. En esta misma línea, las jornadas VAX, SPA*MED, ER…VA, ofrecían visibilidad a los proyectos y creaciones surgidas en torno a la órbita Telenoika, parasitando y colaborando con festivales y eventos que acogían la celebración de los eventos. Telenoika además convoca becas, residencias y ciclo de talleres anuales.



Fàbrica de creació FABRA i COATS

Una sección de la nave central del complejo fabril de Fabra i Coats ha estado condicionada por el desarrollo de propuestas de creación artística, especialmente en el ámbito audiovisual.

El proyecto definitivo convertirá los 12.000m2 de que dispone el edificio en un laboratorio de creación artística multidiscilpinar.

C. Sant Adrià, 20 / Metro: L1 Sant Andreu / Autobusos: 11, 35, 40, 73, B-20, N-9 / Renfe: Sant Andreu Comtal




El 10 de noviembre de 2012 en Fabra&Coats

El MiRA es un festival independiente de música y artes visuales que se celebra en el mes de noviembre en la fábrica Fabra i Coats de Barcelona. La propuesta del MiRA es ofrecer al público la vanguardia creativa en la música y el audiovisual mediante dos vías: una programación artística de calidad a través de conciertos e instalaciones conceptuales, y la vertiente académica y de difusión del conocimiento y la creación, mediante workshops, talleres y un programa anual de residencias artísticas. Con una programación cuidada y exclusiva, pensada con mente orfebre para cada edición, el objetivo es acercar al público al mundo de la creación audiovisual, haciendo prevalecer la calidad de los artistas y la innovación de sus propuestas. Con la firme intención de ofrecer una propuesta que signifique una experiencia nueva para los asistentes.








Mira! Festival



Ajuntament de Barcelona

Generalitat de Catalunya

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Telenoika Mapping Workshop : 5-9 nov 2012 / FiC

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