Tags membres i col·lectius: professional



Daniel Miracle //////

Artist and audiovisual creator and has worked in various areas such as art, education, international cooperation , communication, electronics, etc. In 1998 creates http://neokinok.tv dedicated to research and development of experimental television. He has made several exhibitions, workshops and projects about communication platforms and temporary television channels in different centers in Europe , Africa and America. Currently working with http://telenoika.net, http://lamosca.tv and http://laveinal.cat. He has developed different works as http://mangorodja.org/, http://experimentaltv.org/, http://opentaqafa.experimentaltv.org/ , http://tvlata.org/ , http://shuawa.escuelab.org/.


Xavier Gibert aka Off://tv

Porto a terme tasques de gestió i assessorament tècnic, així com dissenys d’enginyeria per al control de video a temps real aplicat
a l´escena.
He treballat en teatres com el Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, el Gran Teatre del Liceu, el Teatre Real de Madrid o el Grand Théâtre de Genève,
i al costat de companyies de teatre com La Fura dels Baus, Dagoll Dagom o Teatre de l’Abadia , músics com Antonio Orozco o Manu Chao,
així com en festivals com Sonar , Grec i com a director Tècnic del Festival Screen Loop a Barcelona.

He portat a terme el desenvolupament i la producció d’espectacles audiovisuals com a Telenoika, Riereta.net i Slidemedia,
on realitzo els meus propis espectacles audiovisuals com «Telenoika Feedback Experience», «23 Sessió Copyleft» o “Headbirds AV Live”.

telf. 0034660847604

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Playmodes is an audiovisual research studio based on Barcelona area.
We work with self-made digital technologies, both software and hardware, to create immersive interactive installations, projection mapping projects, theatre scenography, still & motion graphics, audiovisual instruments, music and sound design.
We love to experiment with all kind of new formats and supports, working with Open Source tools and collaborating with people from around the globe to deliver high quality and innovative projects, both in the cultural or commercial spectrum.
We’re passionate about art, music, maths, physics, code, cymatics and nature, and we try to share all these passions by giving lectures and workshops in universities, schools or institutions.If you have a crazy idea you want to realize and you want us to help you, don’t hesitate to contact at:

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