

La nueva edición de la Bienal de Tirana, con el t´tulo Sweet Taboos (episode 5) se presenta
como una investigación de los tabúes de la sociedad contemporánea a través de las obras
de los artistas; con un especial interés en que estas se relacionen e interactúen con el contexto
social y geográfico de Albania.
Differently from the previous editions, Tirana Biennial 3 conceptually shall explore the Taboos
of our contemporary society, what are they, what do they mean, how do they apply to the
Albanian context, and how does one deal with them artistically. On the other hand, the Biennial
shall be structured focusing more on the process rather than on simply the exhibition.




La nueva edición de la Bienal de Tirana, con el t´tulo Sweet Taboos (episode 5) se presenta
como una investigación de los tabúes de la sociedad contemporánea a través de las obras
de los artistas; con un especial interés en que estas se relacionen e interactúen con el contexto
social y geográfico de Albania.
Differently from the previous editions, Tirana Biennial 3 conceptually shall explore the Taboos
of our contemporary society, what are they, what do they mean, how do they apply to the
Albanian context, and how does one deal with them artistically. On the other hand, the Biennial
shall be structured focusing more on the process rather than on simply the exhibition.



We consider the standard way of exhibition organization as a problematic and static one that doesn’t help much the communication between the artists, the context and the public. Therefore we have decided that TB3 will built backwards during 5 terms of 10 days each (50 in total), with shows/events that shall add to each other, making the exhibition grow from one to the other. Thus we will focus on providing a very vivid and lively art site, with artists working on the place during the whole time of its duration, finalizing with a finisage instead of a vernisage, where all the participants shall be re-invited to be present and the catalogue shall be released. This we hope shall lead not to a dry exhibition format, but will create a place where art is not simply shown, but produced; where artists are not simply two-day visitors but become part of the context and its complexities; where employment is offered to different groups of a hopeless society; where young artists and students from the place and from the region get the chance to work and meet in person international artists; where art is not made for the “sake of art” but as part of culture as an important social component; where local and international political attention is drawn towards an incredible potential, consisting of real people and situation; and where last but not least, a so much needed social debate is raised on many important issues/ taboos that condition our lives in the short and long run.

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