VJ Culture – a state of flux


Launch new VJwebsite::


From experiments in the underground and massive rave parties, in several short years the VJ has entered mass culture. The new site www.vjcultuur.nl is the result of a year of research into VJ culture in The Netherlands, 2004-2005. Interviews with Dutch VJ’s, done as part of previously published research into the history of VJing, can be watched and heard on this site. Information about festivals where the VJ is central and organizations which act on behalf of VJ’s can also be found here.


Launch new VJwebsite::


From experiments in the underground and massive rave parties, in several short years the VJ has entered mass culture. The new site www.vjcultuur.nl is the result of a year of research into VJ culture in The Netherlands, 2004-2005. Interviews with Dutch VJ’s, done as part of previously published research into the history of VJing, can be watched and heard on this site. Information about festivals where the VJ is central and organizations which act on behalf of VJ’s can also be found here.

If you want to know more about the practical side of being a VJ, the site has an overview of software that VJ’s use to manipulate images in real time. How do the packages compare with each other? How user-friendly are they? Do you have to be some kind of nuclear physicist to use the hard and software?

Further, there are various background articles, opinion pieces and reviews to be found, and links to the personal websites of the ever-growing number of VJ’s.

VJ Culture in The Netherlands is part of the research project ‘VJ Culture: a phenomenon in history, presentation and perception’, by Annet Dekker (Amsterdam, 2004-2005).

Participants in the interviews in VJ Culture in The Netherlands:
Arno Coenen, Keez Duyvis (Pips:Lab), Rob Haarsma (Captain Video), Stije Hallema (Pips:Lab), Jeroen Hofs (Eboman), Gerald van der Kaap, Gideon Kiers (Telco Systems) Micha Klein, Daniëlle Kwaaitaal, Olga Mink (Oxygen), Geert Mul, Eric Noorman (Snowcrash), Elsbeth van Noppen, Peter Rubin, Kees Veling (Captain Video), Lucas van der Velden (Telco Systems).

Met dank aan:
VJ Culture in The Netherlands was realized in part thanks to the Fund for the Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, Amsterdam

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