VJFEST : 19-22 mai / Istanbul
19-22 maig 2010, Istanbul
+INFO: http://vjfestist.org/
of video…lots of music…"VJ-ING IS A NEW FORM OF ART." 3 th VJ FEST
is dedicated to real-time video/visual mix upon music/sound.
VJ-DJ Acts, performances, live a/v installations, live music, live
sets, workshops, talks, presentations!
19-22 maig 2010, Istanbul
+INFO: http://vjfestist.org/
of video…lots of music…"VJ-ING IS A NEW FORM OF ART." 3 th VJ FEST
is dedicated to real-time video/visual mix upon music/sound.
VJ-DJ Acts, performances, live a/v installations, live music, live
sets, workshops, talks, presentations!