

 Women’s Information Technology Transfer (WITT) launched today a portal
 site to link women’s organizations and feminist advocates for the
 internet in Eastern and Central Europe. www.witt-project.net is a
 website, providing strategic ICT information to all, and supporting,
 in a collective way, Central and Eastern European women in developing
 the web as an instrument in their social activism. WITT is committed
 to bringing women’s actions, activities and struggles into the
 spotlight, promoting the use of free software as a way to highlight
 women’s voices.



 Women’s Information Technology Transfer (WITT) launched today a portal
 site to link women’s organizations and feminist advocates for the
 internet in Eastern and Central Europe. www.witt-project.net is a
 website, providing strategic ICT information to all, and supporting,
 in a collective way, Central and Eastern European women in developing
 the web as an instrument in their social activism. WITT is committed
 to bringing women’s actions, activities and struggles into the
 spotlight, promoting the use of free software as a way to highlight
 women’s voices.

 # Asociaciones mujeres de Horta-El Carmel

 # Penelopes

 # Maite Heredia / Ravalnet

 # GOLE ROMI voces gitanas Radio de mujeres gitanas


 # Cornelia Sollfranck
 http://www.artwarez.org <http://www.artwarez.org/> _

 # Eva Salas: taller ciberfeminismo

 # Remedios Zafra: Netianas

 http://www.faces-l.net <http://www.faces-l.net/>

 # “Cárcel de amor” (Relatos culturales sobre la violencia de género)
 muestra de cine y vídeo, cuyas comisarias son Berta Sichel y Virginia

 # Carmen Castro

 # La Petite Claudine

 # Barbara FEMACT

Vols més informació sobre Telenoika i de les seves activitats?


Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER
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