CRETE=eurgraphics education

CRETE=eurgraphics education

The deadline for submissions to the Eurographics 08 Education Programme
is November 30, just two weeks away. We are looking for papers or
other kinds of presentations on all aspects of computer graphics
education, including curriculum, pegagogy, and materials, with a
particular interest in those that discuss responses to the Bologna
education process in Europe.

The full Call for Participation may be
found at ::

along with links for programme submissions. The conference will be
held April 14-18, 2008 on Crete, and we hope to see you there!

Steve Cunningham and Lars Kjelldahl
Programme co-chairs

The deadline for submissions to the Eurographics 08 Education Programme
is November 30, just two weeks away. We are looking for papers or
other kinds of presentations on all aspects of computer graphics
education, including curriculum, pegagogy, and materials, with a
particular interest in those that discuss responses to the Bologna
education process in Europe.

The full Call for Participation may be
found at ::

along with links for programme submissions. The conference will be
held April 14-18, 2008 on Crete, and we hope to see you there!

Steve Cunningham and Lars Kjelldahl
Programme co-chairs

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