Call for Projects and Papers VISUALIZAR’11. Understanding Infrastructures · Medialab-Prado (Madrid)

Call for Projects and Papers VISUALIZAR’11. Understanding Infrastructures · Medialab-Prado (Madrid)


Call for Projects and Papers

*Deadline: March 21, 2011*
*Call for collaborators: April 11, 2011*
*Dates of the workshop: June 14 through July 1, 2011*

Medialab-Prado and EOI Business School call for projects and papers that
will investigate, analyze and represent through data the running of
infrastractures and global systems. Selected projects will be
collaboratively developed during the Visualizar'11: Understanding
infrastructures workshop, that will be held in Madrid from *June 16 to
July 1, * *2011*.

+INFO ::


Call for Projects and Papers

*Deadline: March 21, 2011*
*Call for collaborators: April 11, 2011*
*Dates of the workshop: June 14 through July 1, 2011*

Medialab-Prado and EOI Business School call for projects and papers that
will investigate, analyze and represent through data the running of
infrastractures and global systems. Selected projects will be
collaboratively developed during the Visualizar'11: Understanding
infrastructures workshop, that will be held in Madrid from *June 16 to
July 1, * *2011*.

+INFO ::

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