CIMATICS 09 – Audiovisual Fest // Call for Entries

CIMATICS 09 – Audiovisual Fest // Call for Entries


Festival theme 09: New Cities
Call for entries: deadline July 31st 09.

Call for entries: deadline July 31st 2009

invites all artists, creatives and producers to send their submissions
for the next Cimatics festival. To submit your work for Cimatics 2009,
just fill in the online submission form before July 31st 2009.

us your ideas, lectures, performances or videos for the festival theme
'New Cities'. Note that also non-audiovisual work is highly appreciated.
> submit your work

+INFO ::


Festival theme 09: New Cities
Call for entries: deadline July 31st 09.

Call for entries: deadline July 31st 2009

invites all artists, creatives and producers to send their submissions
for the next Cimatics festival. To submit your work for Cimatics 2009,
just fill in the online submission form before July 31st 2009.

us your ideas, lectures, performances or videos for the festival theme
'New Cities'. Note that also non-audiovisual work is highly appreciated.
> submit your work

+INFO ::

Vols més informació sobre Telenoika i de les seves activitats?


Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER
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