Computational Aesthetics : Call for artworks_performance / Lisboa

Computational Aesthetics : Call for artworks_performance / Lisboa


Computational Aesthetics 2008 :: Call for Artworks and Performances :: June 18-20, 2008 :: Hotel Riviera, Lisbon, Portugal :: Keynotes by Pat Hanrahan, Stanford, CA; and Ernest Edmonds, University of Technology, Sydney.
Call for Artworks, Performances and Artist’s Presentations:
Members of the fine and performing arts community are invited to submit
work and presentations about their work for consideration for the final
program. Please note that full papers must be received by the earlier
deadline of 15 March 2008 (see website for the cfp). The program
organisers can provide some basic computer systems and data-projectors
to support artist’s contributions however installations and
performances that require additional support (or special technology)
must include details of how the submitter will provide, install and
support the work.



Computational Aesthetics 2008 :: Call for Artworks and Performances :: June 18-20, 2008 :: Hotel Riviera, Lisbon, Portugal :: Keynotes by Pat Hanrahan, Stanford, CA; and Ernest Edmonds, University of Technology, Sydney.
Call for Artworks, Performances and Artist’s Presentations:
Members of the fine and performing arts community are invited to submit
work and presentations about their work for consideration for the final
program. Please note that full papers must be received by the earlier
deadline of 15 March 2008 (see website for the cfp). The program
organisers can provide some basic computer systems and data-projectors
to support artist’s contributions however installations and
performances that require additional support (or special technology)
must include details of how the submitter will provide, install and
support the work.


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