DIME06 : 25-27 oct / Bangkok

DIME06 : 25-27 oct / Bangkok

dime2006.pngDIME 2006 is a conference where we showcase the latest developments from the entertainment software developers and academic industrial researchers. This conference is targeted at both the research and commercial communities

   1. Entertainment Art and Technology    
   2. New Media Emerging Technologies      
   3. Code Art   
   4. Digital Visual Media   
   5. Moving Media      
   6. Culture of New Media     
   7. Interactive Stories


dime2006.pngDIME 2006 is a conference where we showcase the latest developments from the entertainment software developers and academic industrial researchers. This conference is targeted at both the research and commercial communities

   1. Entertainment Art and Technology    
   2. New Media Emerging Technologies      
   3. Code Art   
   4. Digital Visual Media   
   5. Moving Media      
   6. Culture of New Media     
   7. Interactive Stories


DIME 2006 is a conference where we showcase the latest developments from the entertainment software developers and academic industrial researchers. This conference is targeted at both the research and commercial communities. We hope to promote research and practical applications in the context of interactive digital entertainment systems. The field of computer entertainment technology has aroused great interest recently amongst researchers and developers in both academic and industrial / business fields as it is duly recognized as showing high promise of bringing on exciting new forms of human computer interaction. Now deemed deserving of both serious academic research, as well as major industry and business uptake, techniques used in computer entertainment are also seen to translate into advances in research work ranging from industrial training, collaborative work, novel interfaces, novel multimedia, network computing and ubiquitous computing. Computer entertainment and network gaming’s ability to generate a culture which immerses and absorbs its participants has made it an object of new millennial ‘moral panic’. And in many ways, it is. The phenomenal success of popular culture to initiate a mass audience in patterns and practices of its own consumption has supported the evolution of an enormously powerful mass entertainment industry extending deeply into every aspect of our lives. This conference is dedicated to building common ground between research, design and development, learning and collaboration in its myriad forms: its object is the exploration of ‘education & play’, demonstrating new arenas and applications for digital gaming and incorporating leading edge technologies, designs and models in our changing views about what is involved in gaming. This conference will bring together academics, technologists, artists, designers, and industry representatives to help define, refine, and advance the leading edge of new digital and interactive media art and technology.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their Paper scripts based on the paper template to the conference secretariat. Accepted papers (up to eight pages) will be published in the proceedings. *Please note all papers must be strongly related to computer entertainment. Only papers that will be presented at the conference will be included in the proceedings.

  1. Entertainment Art and Technology

    Location and Pervasive Gaming / Mobile Entertainment/ Using Digital Games in Practice/ Computer Entertainment Research/ Open-Source Gaming Engines/ Implications for Multimedia and Web Design/ Serious Games/ Artistic Games/ Commercial Games/ Games as Pedagogy/ Analysis of Games

  2. New Media Emerging Technologies

    Personal Broadcasting (Podcasting and Vlogging)/ Novel Applications for Cell Phones/ Social and Interactive Computing Applications/ Collaborative Spaces/Environments/ Innovative Applications of Technology in the Arts/ Mixed Reality and Enhanced Visualization/ Context-aware Environments and Devices/ Immersive Learning Experiences

  3. Code Art

    Algorithmic Art / Software Art/ Net Art/ Installation Art/ Tangible Computing/ Sonic Art

  4. Digital Visual Media

    Digital Photography/ Digital Imaging as Art/ New Topics in 3-D Modeling/ Digital Printing/ Non-Photorealistic Rendering

  5. Moving Media

    Digital Video/ Distance Collaboration/ Performance/ Animation/ Interactive Movies

  6. Culture of New Media

    Network Culture/ Philosophy of New Media/ Digital Identity

  7. Interactive Stories

    Digital Narrative/ Digital Asset Management/ Semantic Web/ Interactive Cinema

Deadline for DIME Conference paper Submision is extended. Authors are to submit their full papers by the 15 July 2006.

The paper submissions must use the exact ACM SIG templates. Please find the template at Please use the style “Strict Adherence to SIGS style – (Sheridan Printing)” on that page. There are also word and word perfect templates linked on the template page.

Each paper submission is to be accompanied by a copyright form, CLICK HERE to download the form, complete it and fax it back to the conference secretariat at +65 6356 7471.

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