Montevideo – The Netherlands Media Art Institute.

Montevideo – The Netherlands Media Art Institute.


The Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/Time Based Arts has set the goal for itself of promoting the wide development, application and distribution of, and reflection on new technologies in the visual arts. The Netherlands Media Art Institute supports media art in three core areas: presentation, research and conservation, and through its facilities provides extensive services for artists and art institutions. Associated with this are educational programmes, which are developed for all activities.

Montevideo – The Netherlands Media Art Institute.

Programa d’artistes en residència (3 mesos a partir de juliol de 2006). Crida de sol·licituts
[Amsterdam, NL] ( 14 d’abril, 2006)


The Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/Time Based Arts has set the goal for itself of promoting the wide development, application and distribution of, and reflection on new technologies in the visual arts. The Netherlands Media Art Institute supports media art in three core areas: presentation, research and conservation, and through its facilities provides extensive services for artists and art institutions. Associated with this are educational programmes, which are developed for all activities.

Montevideo – The Netherlands Media Art Institute.

Programa d’artistes en residència (3 mesos a partir de juliol de 2006). Crida de sol·licituts
[Amsterdam, NL] ( 14 d’abril, 2006)

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