Oslo Screen Festival – Call for entries

Oslo Screen Festival – Call for entries

Oslo Screen Festival is an event organized in the year of Cultural
Diversity 2008 in Norway. Screen focuses on innovative and experimental
works within the field of video art, and this year encourages artists
and filmmakers to approach the theme of alterity / identity in their

The festival is going to take place at the Cinematheque in Oslo and other places around the city on October 24th, 25th and 26th.

An award of €1000 will be given to the best video.

Find entry & regulations at

Deadline June 30th

Oslo Screen Festival is an event organized in the year of Cultural
Diversity 2008 in Norway. Screen focuses on innovative and experimental
works within the field of video art, and this year encourages artists
and filmmakers to approach the theme of alterity / identity in their

The festival is going to take place at the Cinematheque in Oslo and other places around the city on October 24th, 25th and 26th.

An award of €1000 will be given to the best video.

Find entry & regulations at

Deadline June 30th

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