a new exciting international platform T.I.C.A. - ARTIST IN RESIDENCY: APPLY NOW!!!!! We are happy to announce the first permanent platform for contemporary art in Albania, the Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art - TICA.
a new exciting international platform T.I.C.A. - ARTIST IN RESIDENCY: APPLY NOW!!!!! We are happy to announce the first permanent platform for contemporary art in Albania, the Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art - TICA.
During the last years Tirana has attracted the attention of the international contemporary art world through a number of events, among which the Tirana Biennale is the most important. A new platform is now born - Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art (<http://www.tica-albania.org/>www.tica-albania.org) the only institution for contemporary art in Albania and one with the ambition to offer substantial support, on a continuous basis, to a developing art scene. It is for the first time that an Artist in Residency Program is established in the country, offering support to local and international artists that want to do research and develop their work in Tirana. After having analyzed the insufficiency of existing local institutions and the lack of new forms of dedicated cultural exchange within the Balkans, Europe and beyond, we think that time has come for a new approach towards cross-cultural relations and the potentials offered by artistic research.
TICA Artist in Residency Program will conditionally host not less than 3 artists at a time: 1 from Albania; 1 from the Balkans and 1 from Europe or beyond. The program will be based on a flexible structure that can offer the possibility to move between different locations, contexts and thematic interests. It shall be structured as a project-based residency program, with an intention to encourage artists with different backgrounds and experiences to work together towards a final presentation (exhibition, publication, event).
TICA is open for applications from September 30, 2006. Deadline for the first period is December 15. For detailed information on how and when to apply, please check the website: <http://www.tica-albania.org/>www.tica-albania.org
Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art wishes to thank our Program Partner: European Cultural Foundation. The Artist in Residency Program is made possible through the generous support of Institute of Tirana Biennale and Moving Culture.
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