Videoforum_7-9 Feb

Videoforum_7-9 Feb


VideoForum is the annual technology event
for everyone involved in creating and distributing
TV programmes and video content.


VideoForum is the annual technology event
for everyone involved in creating and distributing
TV programmes and video content.

VideoForum, the UK’s event for production, post, new media & streaming is taking place at the beginning of February at Earls Court. It’s your chance to check out all the latest breakthroughs in TV, video, DVD, 3G and streaming media. Your personal invitation is on its way to you in the post.

And, following the success of last year’s seminars, this years’ line up looks even more impressive, with speakers from the BBC, SKY, Tandberg TV and Walt Disney! Here’s an outline…

Plus, it will give you the opportunity to assess all the latest production technology and try out the leading post production systems from the industry’s top suppliers and manufacturers.

Entry to VideoForum is free. The event runs from 7 – 9 February at Earls Court – put the dates in your diary now.

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