Milkymist : Interactive VJ station


The Milkymist™ project develops a comprehensive open source     solution for the live synthesis of interactive visual effects for VJs     (video performance artists). It consists of three sub-projects: the Milkymist™ One interactive VJ station, the Milkymist™ SoC and the Flickernoise VJ software.

+INFO ::

Demo of MM 0.6 on a Milkymist One prototype from Sébastien Bourdeauducq on Vimeo.
Milkymist One will be an open source hardware interactive VJ station. This video shows one of the newly made prototypes.


The Milkymist™ project develops a comprehensive open source     solution for the live synthesis of interactive visual effects for VJs     (video performance artists). It consists of three sub-projects: the Milkymist™ One interactive VJ station, the Milkymist™ SoC and the Flickernoise VJ software.

+INFO ::

Demo of MM 0.6 on a Milkymist One prototype from Sébastien Bourdeauducq on Vimeo.
Milkymist One will be an open source hardware interactive VJ station. This video shows one of the newly made prototypes.

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