The EDIROL V-8 offers an expanded visual experience and is the natural evolution of the legendary V-4 Four Channel Video Mixer.
The V-8 Eight Channel Video Mixer has all the features…
PD (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, …
Freeframe is a standard for video effects plugins that is supported by most modern VJ software packages.
Syzygy use their own custom Freeframe effects to manipulate video
content and live camera feeds, addin…
The VJ hardware gurus over at Livid Instruments have releases another gorgeous live performance tool for VJs. Available in two models, Ohm wood follows Livids application of natural woods and beauty, while Ohm metal…
Looking for testers!
Harrison Digital Media has ported Salvation Modular VJ Software (used by Inside-Us-All) to the Mac platform and is looking for testers. Features include:
MIDI (working as of 01-02-08)
The Universitat Pompeu Fabra is offering a new interdisciplinary master
in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (CSIM) that will start in
September 2007. CSIM is conceived for students having a background in
any of…
Apple y Nokia
han estado luchando para eliminar el estándar libre de video Ogg/Theora+Vorbis de HTML5 y han conseguido que se elimine de la especificación.
Slashdot se hace eco de ello.
La Fundación Mozilla …
Global Congress (IGC) arriba a la novena edició!.
El congrés, fòrum de referència per
a debatre els avenços i les aplicacions de la tecnologia i el desenvolupament
de la societat digital,…
L'OctaV-4 és un software que permet centralitzar el control i manejament de fins a 8 Edirols V-4 pontejades, a un unic únic ordinador. Pots controlar fins a 32 inputs simultanis per a 8 outputs, rollo ma…
iBall+ is a brand new, high-impact point of sale, advertising and information display.Its classy design, will look good used in any entertainment, point of sale or information environment. iBall+ can be desk or ceiling mou…
Finally a new Resolume version comes scorching from the heat of our headquarters in The Hague, Holland. As previously announced we are now releasing a beta version of Resolume 2.4. With some exciting new features and massi…
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