iBall+ is a brand new, high-impact point of sale, advertising and information display.Its classy design, will look good used in any entertainment, point of sale or information environment. iBall+ can be desk or ceiling mou…
Finally a new Resolume version comes scorching from the heat of our headquarters in The Hague, Holland. As previously announced we are now releasing a beta version of Resolume 2.4. With some exciting new features and massi…
The Folsom ImagePRO is a powerful all-in-one signal processor that accept a wide range of video input signals and process them into a number of different signal formats to meet the video requirements of virtually any appli…
Sony coloca un sistema anticopia peligroso para el ordenador en dos millones de discos. El dispositivo actúa como software espía, ya que envía información al exterior sobre los hábitos del usuario. El software anticop…
Model 303 Camera combines high-resolution digital network camera with extremely compact MCP image intensifier gating circuitry capable of exposures down to 10ns. “Network camera” means that it has 100 Mb Ethern…
What happens when you take the medium of traditional Television Broadcasting and combine it with the much less traditional medium of the Internet? Well, you’ll probably end up with a television set for the new millennium, …
Tot comença amb una biblioteca que s´inaugura dins d´una nova biblioteca : la biblio/teca/u.tòpic-a/05. Una altra manera d´imaginar aquest gran contenidor de llibres i paraules http:…
# WITT http://www.witt-project.net/ Women’s Information Technology Transfer (WITT) launched today a portal site to link women’s organizations and feminist advocates for the internet in Eas…
Notícia apareguda al suplement Ciberpais:: El arquitecto y diseñador portugués Manuel Lima (Azores, 1978) ha reunido en el proyecto VisualComplexity, un gran número de sistemas de visualización de redes comp…
pdp_freeframe is a freeframe host for PureDataPacket. With pdp_freeframe you can use more than 40 new video effects in pure data. Actually only tested with the excelent plugin set developed by Pete Warden. download pd…
Un vídeo 'on line' cambia de contenido con la meteorología del lugar de la audiencia
Daniel Scheibel y Ferdinand Weinrother, de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Augsburg (Alemania), han creado un…
"Los Medios Tácticos no sólo informan o describen acontecimientos, no proclaman ser objetivos ni neutrales, no son nunca imparciales. Nosotros no somos observadores. Somos participantes” Ma…
Web de l'Associació Cultural Telenoika: C/ Magalhes, 54, baix (Poble Sec) 08004-BARCELONA - NO FIX PHONE NUMBER (CC BY 3.0) No s'autoritza a cap Entitat de Drets d'Autor a reclamar cap quantitat en el nostre nom.