AV FESTIVAL : feb-mar 2008 / Newcastle


28 February – 8 March 2008
Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland and Middlesbrough, UK

WEB :: http://www.avfestival.co.uk

AV Festival is the UK’s largest international festival of electronic arts.

includes music, visual art, design & games. A biennial event, the
festival takes place in NewcastleGateshead, Sunderland and
Middlesbrough in the North East of England. It consists of concerts and
performances, exhibitions, film screenings, seminars, symposia,
workshops and other special events at many venues across the three
urban centres of the North East.

Atlas of Electromagnetic Space
Concept by José Luis de Vicente and Irma Vilà. Production by Bestiario


It is curated by Spanish cultural and new media researchers, José Luis de Vicente and Irma Vilà and developed by Bestiario. After AV Festival 08, the work will tour internationally, showing at the CCCB in Barcelona and other venues.
Co-commissioned by AV Festival 08 and NOW(CCCB).


28 February – 8 March 2008
Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland and Middlesbrough, UK

WEB :: http://www.avfestival.co.uk

AV Festival is the UK’s largest international festival of electronic arts.

includes music, visual art, design & games. A biennial event, the
festival takes place in NewcastleGateshead, Sunderland and
Middlesbrough in the North East of England. It consists of concerts and
performances, exhibitions, film screenings, seminars, symposia,
workshops and other special events at many venues across the three
urban centres of the North East.

Atlas of Electromagnetic Space
Concept by José Luis de Vicente and Irma Vilà. Production by Bestiario


It is curated by Spanish cultural and new media researchers, José Luis de Vicente and Irma Vilà and developed by Bestiario. After AV Festival 08, the work will tour internationally, showing at the CCCB in Barcelona and other venues.
Co-commissioned by AV Festival 08 and NOW(CCCB).

Learn all about the radio spectrum in this interactive visualisation
which makes the invisible visible. Barcelona-based creators Bestiario (www.bestiario.org)
are adept at making invisible and intangible things such as networks,
relationships and partnerships visible to an audience. Their latest
work of data visualization brings the unseen landscape where
broadcasting happens — the electromagnetic spectrum — stunningly to

The radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum is something which
can’t normally be seen with the naked eye, but the innovators of
Bestiario will put it on view, by deploying the forces of art, science
and technology. Displayed on several large plasma screens located in
the central foyer of Middlesbrough’s brand new Institute for Digital
Innovation, this impressive new installation enables visitors to
interact with the electromagnetic spectrum, and learn more about it.
Visitors can choose to see the structure and topology of the spectrum
and find out what kinds of activities happen there, from television and
radio, to mobile telephony and wireless internet. The Atlas of
Electromagnetic Space will also show the assignation of frequencies to
different communication protocols, and the cultural, social and
artistic interventions that are currently taking place in the spectrum.

It is curated by Spanish cultural researchers and new media
enthusiasts, José Luis de Vicente and Irma Vilà and developed by
Bestiario. After AV Festival 08, the work will tour internationally,
showing at the CCCB in Barcelona and other venues.
Co-commissioned by AV Festival 08 and NOW: Centre de Cultura
Contemporánia de Barcelona (CCCB).

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