Autor: telenoika

CONTRA-ATACA la PUBlicitat // concurs de projectes

fotonaucoclea.jpgcontraatacalapublicitat concurs de projectes // naucôcleacamallera

La Nau Côclea de Camallera, La Inestable de Llampaies Cia. de Teatre i el col·lectiu Telenoika.NET convoquen "Contraataca la publicitat" un concurs de projectes en format d’anunci televisiu. Es preten que la creativitat dels participants produeixi spots (anuncis) no publicitaris, anuncis anti-consum, o contra-consum.

El premi del concurs es la realització amb video del projecte amb l’assesorament técnic del col·lectiu audiovisual Telenoika. La realització tindra lloc en el transcurs d’un taller que es realitzarà a la Nau Côclea de Camallera, els dies 2,3 i 4 de desembre 2005.

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 Women’s Information Technology Transfer (WITT) launched today a portal
 site to link women’s organizations and feminist advocates for the
 internet in Eastern and Central Europe. is a
 website, providing strategic ICT information to all, and supporting,
 in a collective way, Central and Eastern European women in developing
 the web as an instrument in their social activism. WITT is committed
 to bringing women’s actions, activities and struggles into the
 spotlight, promoting the use of free software as a way to highlight
 women’s voices.

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Model 303 Camera combines high-resolution digital network camera with extremely compact MCP image intensifier gating circuitry capable of exposures down to 10ns. “Network camera” means that it has 100 Mb Ethernet port and can be connected to any computer that has LAN hardware. It can also be plugged into an existent LAN directly or through regular hubs/switches or copper-to-fiberoptic converters if high EMI immunity is a must.

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