Open Call, International Image Festival. Manizales Colombia

Open Call, International Image Festival. Manizales Colombia


International invitation which objective is to strengthen creation
involving technology and to favor communication between technology
developers and audiovisual creators. Similarly, it promotes production
and exhibition of telematics collaborative development among designers,
artists, engineers, communicators and interdisciplinary collectives,
through works made on videographic,

electronic or digital basis.

*International Image Festival. No.10

*April 12 – 16 / 2011 *MANIZALES / COLOMBIA

The International Image Festival, conducted by the Department of Visual
Design of Universidad de Caldas in Manizales (Colombia), is a meeting
and debate space on issues related to electronic arts, digital
audiovisual creation, digital and electro-acoustic sound, and rising
relationships among art, design, science and technology through personal
encounters, scientific and specialized seminars, national and
international invitations, discussion forums, concerts, workshops,
exhibitions and webcasts, among other activities.

+INFO ::


International invitation which objective is to strengthen creation
involving technology and to favor communication between technology
developers and audiovisual creators. Similarly, it promotes production
and exhibition of telematics collaborative development among designers,
artists, engineers, communicators and interdisciplinary collectives,
through works made on videographic,

electronic or digital basis.

*International Image Festival. No.10

*April 12 – 16 / 2011 *MANIZALES / COLOMBIA

The International Image Festival, conducted by the Department of Visual
Design of Universidad de Caldas in Manizales (Colombia), is a meeting
and debate space on issues related to electronic arts, digital
audiovisual creation, digital and electro-acoustic sound, and rising
relationships among art, design, science and technology through personal
encounters, scientific and specialized seminars, national and
international invitations, discussion forums, concerts, workshops,
exhibitions and webcasts, among other activities.

+INFO ::

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