Piksel09 :: Call for projects

Piksel09 :: Call for projects



For the exhibitions and other parts of the programme we currently seek projects in the following categories:

1. Installations :Projects to be included in the exhibitions at Galleri 3,14 and Lydgalleriet.
The works must be programmed by and running on free and open source software and/or open/DIY hardware.
2. Audiovisual performance : Live art realised by the use of free and open source software.
We specially encourage live coding and open/DIY hardware projects to apply.
3. Presentations : Innovative DIY hardware and audiovisual software tools or software
art released under an open licence. (Also includes presentations of
artistic projects realised using these technologies.)
4. Workshops : Hands on workshops utilising free software and/or open/DIY hardware for artistic use.

Please use the online submit fo
!!!!!!!!!!  Deadline – july 15. 2009 !!!!!!!!!!

or send documentation material – preferably as a URL to online
documentation with images/video to piksel09 [AT] piksel [DOT] no



For the exhibitions and other parts of the programme we currently seek projects in the following categories:

1. Installations :Projects to be included in the exhibitions at Galleri 3,14 and Lydgalleriet.
The works must be programmed by and running on free and open source software and/or open/DIY hardware.
2. Audiovisual performance : Live art realised by the use of free and open source software.
We specially encourage live coding and open/DIY hardware projects to apply.
3. Presentations : Innovative DIY hardware and audiovisual software tools or software
art released under an open licence. (Also includes presentations of
artistic projects realised using these technologies.)
4. Workshops : Hands on workshops utilising free software and/or open/DIY hardware for artistic use.

Please use the online submit fo
!!!!!!!!!!  Deadline – july 15. 2009 !!!!!!!!!!

or send documentation material – preferably as a URL to online
documentation with images/video to piksel09 [AT] piksel [DOT] no

november 19-22 2009
Bergen, Norway

Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working
with Free/Libre and Open Source technologies in artistic practice. Part
workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway,and involves
participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding,
presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and
discussions on the aesthetics and politics of FLOSS & art.

This years event – Piksel09 – continues the exploration of
free/libre and open source technologies and it’s myriad of expressions.

Piksel09 is done in collaboration with Gallery 3,14 and Lydgalleriet
which will host this years exhibitions,Bergen Kunstmuseum hosting the
presentations and panels, and Landmark hosting the evening events.


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