Prague Call for Participation | Deadline 22|2|2011

Prague Call for Participation | Deadline 22|2|2011


 ENTER: DATAPOLIS (April 14-17, 2011) is the 5th art | tech biennale held in
Prague, Czech Republic, organized by CIANT.

+INFO ::

Exhibitions | Performances | Lectures | Debates | Workshops | Screenings

is a call for theory and practice based proposals addressing

emerging interactions of media technologies, novel visualization practices
and urban realities.

Let us discover the moods and the rhythms of our cities, bodies and planet
and innovatively mash both visible and invisible data that re-present
individual and collective lives and actions.

Keywords: data, city, communities, mapping, social, geographical,

economical, political, sentient, ambient, mobile, ubiquitous, embedded
intelligence, architecture, furniture, clothes, quantified selves, body &
environment monitoring, robotic systems, trash, transport, pollution, open
innovation & design

Submission deadline for artworks, papers, posters: 22|2|2011

Submit via::


 ENTER: DATAPOLIS (April 14-17, 2011) is the 5th art | tech biennale held in
Prague, Czech Republic, organized by CIANT.

+INFO ::

Exhibitions | Performances | Lectures | Debates | Workshops | Screenings

is a call for theory and practice based proposals addressing

emerging interactions of media technologies, novel visualization practices
and urban realities.

Let us discover the moods and the rhythms of our cities, bodies and planet
and innovatively mash both visible and invisible data that re-present
individual and collective lives and actions.

Keywords: data, city, communities, mapping, social, geographical,

economical, political, sentient, ambient, mobile, ubiquitous, embedded
intelligence, architecture, furniture, clothes, quantified selves, body &
environment monitoring, robotic systems, trash, transport, pollution, open
innovation & design

Submission deadline for artworks, papers, posters: 22|2|2011

Submit via::

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