Siempre cultivando su crecimiento como artista en solitario, trabaja principalmente con video y música, aunque abierto a todo tipo de experimentos, como Kung-Fu, TaiChi, danza contemporánea, teatro con mascaras
Colabora con diversidad de colectivos, bandas y otros artistas como Urban Activity(Barcelona), Scarab(viena_eye-con), 4youreye(viena_eye.con), My Perfect TV(viena), Wire Monkey Dance(USA), Dylan Jones(Atash_Austin, Texas), DMT(visuals, USA), AZ Sensorial Experiences(Argentina+Spain). Actúa en festivales por toda Europa(Spain, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, France
) y Asia(Fringe festival 04 y 05_Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan). Actualmente desarollando trabajos de investigación y documentación de todo tipo de formas de arte tradicionales, como música y danza aborigen Taiwanesa, danza balinesa y Comedia dellArte italiana.
Otra de sus facetas es la de productor de eventos y producción artística musical, como freelance y colaborando con otras productoras, como Alegna Setnavrec(Barcelona), Outto Productions(Macau/Hong Kong), Chessman Productions(Macau), Clon Festival(Lloret de Mar) y Eyes widE opEn(Lloret de Mar), entre otros.
Desde finales del 2004 reside entre Taiwan y Macau(China) y desarrolla sus actividades principalmente en proyectos de producción, performance y Artes en la Educación, programas de arte en la comunidad y enseñanza (Natural Way_Taiwan, Ricci School_Macau, Macau Polytechnic University). Junto con Chad y Kami Leslie y Jodie Lee funda las compañías Macwac Productions Ltd. en Macau y [IN]Xing Theatre en Taiwán, desempeñando las labores de Jefe de producción, Asistente de dirección y Director Audiovisual, además de componer, producir y grabar bandas sonoras para teatro y publicidad y producir el festival internacional de teatro y performance WACFEST.
Más información y Contacto:
WorldWide Art Collective
+853 6438893(Macau)
+886 963 112341(Taiwan)
+886 4 227 973 27(Taiwan_office)
Fax: +1 347 558 9656
+ info en : / / / /
Growing as an solo artist, he works professionally with video and music, always taking his chances to learn Kungfu, TaiChi, contemporary dance, mask theatre
collaborates with a wide variety of collectives, bands and other artists, such as SpaceDub Vibrations(Colorado), Urban Activity(Barcelona), scarab(viena_eye-con), 4your eye(viena_eye-con), My perfect TV(viena), Wire Monkey Dance(USA), Dylan Jones(Atash_Austin, Texas), DMT(visuals, USA), AZ sensorial experiences(Argentina+Spain)
He performs in festivals in and around Europe (Spain, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, France) and Asia (Fringe festival and WACFEST 2004 and 2005_Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan). Very interested on research and documentation about traditional arts and expression techniques, such as Taiwanese aborigin music and dance, Balinese dance and Italian Comedia dellArte.
On the other hand, he works as an event and artistic producer, in freelance mode (EyEs wide open), and in collaboration with other producers and artists, such as Alegna Setnavrec(Barcelona), Outto Productions(Macau/Hong Kong), Chessman Productions(Macau), Clon Festival(Lloret de Mar).
From the end of 2004, he lives in between Macau and Taiwan (Republic of China) and develops his activities mainly in production projects, performance, theatre and arts in education, community outreach programs and teaching(Natural Way_Taiwan, Ricci School_Macau, Macau Polytechnic University). Currently founding two companies: MACWAC Productions Ltd. in Macau and [IN] Xing Theatre in Taiwan, where he is a Production Manager, Assistant Director and Audiovisual Director, as well as composing, produce and record soundtracks for theatre and commercials and produce the International Theatre Festival and Bizarre WACFEST.
More info +Contact:
WorldWide Art Collective
Tel.: +853 6438893(Macau)
+886 963 112341(Taiwan)
+886-4 227 973 27(Taiwan_office)
Fax: +1 347 558 9656
+ info on : / / / /

Ricci school (Macau), October 2005
last performance @ Macau fringe festival, October 2005
i2i with Scarab (Vienna, Austria) @ Loft, Barcelona, 2004